Individuals have been striving to develop a full, rich and greener lawn for years. To be able to have the finest lawn you possibly can, you should follow a certain procedure that will maximize your chances. The whole process can be done by you, if you don't diverge from the tips outlined. Certainly, a professional may be your best option if the lawn is in poor condition.

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It isn't effective to cut the lawn more than once a week. When you trim the grass you might be causing damage to the blades of grass. Frequently it's better when the grass is longer. The longer the lawn is the healthier it will be and the greener and fuller it will eventually look. To keep your grass longer, you can set your lawnmower to a higher setting. So start cutting your lawn one time every week and a half to two weeks.

When it comes to weeds, as soon as your lawn is more healthy and fuller the weed concern should reduce itself. Another thing that can help is simply mowing the lawn. When the blades are maintained on a higher setting, the top of each weed will be mowed off. Weeds can easily be managed this way. Most weeds grow from the top and once you end up cutting the growing tip off the weed will die.

Watering your yard can be something more you should watch out for. Believe it or not an excessive amount of water can damage your grass and also increase the weed problem you have. If you must water your yard, incorporate about an inch of water at a time. The grass roots are going to be watered as it soaks farther into the ground. When you use this tip, the weather will not be as much of an issue for your grass.

A mulching grass cutter can be a great addition. Many people choose to bag the clippings or rake them up as soon as they are finished mowing. Grass clippings are one of the most effective ways to maximize your growth because of the vital nutrients. If you get a mulching mower the clippings will be spread all over the lawn and you won't see all those outlines of cut grass everywhere.

Also one last point. Fertilizing your lawn is best done in the early spring and fall. Do not fertilize for each season throughout the year. Chemical fertilizers are often very harmful to your grass, even destroying it if you use it excessively. An organically grown fertilizer is definitely better than a chemical fertilizer if you have the choice. You will see that does the job better and will keep your lawn looking green and full all through the season.